Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm Back?

Wow its been so long since I last posted. About 13 months ago! So much has happened since then including having our rented home sold and only given a short period of time to find a new place, deciding to buy a place, buying a old place that needed renovations and knowing nothing about them, doing some renovations, still having ongoing renovations until today when lots of people from work came over for a working bee in the front garden! I was really touched that they did that. Gardening is scary for me who lived in Singapore with only a few potted plants on the balcony.

Also since the last post, I completed my Graduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation in December, went back to Singapore in January with a mini break to Hong Kong. Work has also been pretty busy since then with the weeks flying by.

Anyway, hope to get posting more including food places around Bathurst and my pilgrimage to Tetsuya's some months ago but still fresh in the memory! Bought Hubby an espresso machine (Breville 800ES)which we will be playing with, especially since he went on a home barista course. We also went on an eye opening vineyard tour last week as part of Orange food week. Where we were educated on how wine is made, from grape to wine and tasting several different varieties.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger KirkK said...

Hi Rachel - I just kinda waundered by...and wow, a new post! Welcome back, and congrats on your diploma!

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

hey thanks for stopping by kirk! I've been happily following your vietnam adventures :)


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