Friday, February 10, 2006

I scream for Ice-cream!!

As mentioned two posts ago, here is more of our weekend away in Sydney (aptly labelled by Clare as "the weekend of excess") She has done an amazing job of capturing the bulk of our gastronomic tour of Parramatta area last Saturday night. Except for some of these pictures taken at Cold Rock. She was probably too embarrassed, but I didn't mind playing the country bumpkin and snapped away. I got asked if I was a tourist LOL I just said that I was from the country.

Step 1:Pick from a large range of ice cream flavours, including a low fat range. They come with little suggestions of what mix-ins go with it eg. fruits, chocolate bars, cookie dough, candy etc.

Step 2: The ice cream is placed on a specially refrigerated slab, optimum for keeping ice cream cold while it is mixed.

Step3: Your selected mix-in is first broken up into little pieces in a "well" made in the ice cream and mixed throughout.

Step 4:Enjoy your ice cream! This is what magic thinks about ice cream, any ice cream!

Ok ok, Claire has a pic of the finished product on the link above. But we all agreed that we had made successful choices for part 1 of our dessert. Mine and Richard's was Ferrero Rocher with cookie dough, CnC's was Rum and Raisin with caramel fudge and Kit Kat addins. We enjoyed them walking by the Parramatta River where people were trying to fish and old folk were canoodling in the moonlight. Ahhh sometimes I really miss the city.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger eat stuff said...

A bumkin? Is that ... oh wait I don't think Iwant to know LOL

Good job on the photos :)
I can't belive I forgot cookie dough!
Iamworking on thesecond part but there are SO MANY PHOTOS :)

Don't forget the guy sleeping on his dog!

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

LOL yeah I should have added that in ! That was pretty interesting ... and that dog didn't mind being a pillow either!

At 5:54 AM, Blogger Dr. Mommy, D.D.S. said...

we have a chain like that in the states, called "cold stone creamery". it's magnificant, but you definitely need to fast the day before you eat it!

did you know they made cake batter ice cream???

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hi Doc mommy! I believe that this cold rock may be a franchise of your cold stone because they state that the idea originated in the US.

Hmm I don't know If I'd like cake batter ice cream ... it might give me a tummy ache! licking a teaspoon of it might be alright ... but not a whole bowl!

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

yaay milly! We too can go on a gastronomic tour of Sydney together! Whats your favourite ice cream flavour?


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